
Showing posts from August, 2018

What is PPSR Check and What is its importance?

Conducting a search on the PPSR (Personal Property Guarantee Registry) is a very good practice if you are going to purchase any valuable or expensive second-hand goods. Let us find out more details about PPSR Check : Are you going to buy items of second-hand value? Before buying them, look at the PPSR and verify that these valuable goods, such as a second-hand car, livestock, equipment, machinery or a boat, are free of debt and safe from an embargo. Are you going to sell or lease valuable goods to your customers under such conditions as a reservation of ownership? Registering your interest invaluable assets in the PPSR can help you claim them if your client does not pay you or you become insolvent. What are Mobile Goods? Movable property is basically all forms of property that are not lands, buildings and other constructions. The examples: Most common movable assets are machinery, vehicles, boats, crops, livestock, and equipment. In addition, they include intangible prop...